Corporate and Private Pension Plans in the United States

Inhaltsangabe:Introduction: This thesis gives in chapter A an understanding of the relevance of corporate and private pension plans for the U.S. work force. Chapter B examines the regulatory environment of qualified pension plans, the tax treatment of transactions on the employer and employee side and the multitudinous pension plan qualification standards. The main part of this thesis, chapter C, navigates the reader through basic plan types in the private sector including employer-sponsored plans and individual retirement arrangements. Chapter D deals critically with the opportunities and risks as a result of the structural shift in the retirement plan landscape from defined benefit to defined contribution plans in general, and to 401(k) plans in particular. Further, it gives a forecast on pension shortfalls for future retirees according to recent studies of governmental and private institutions and captures the impact of the current financial crisis on plan funds and the reactions of plan participants thereon.Inhaltsverzeichnis:Table of Contents: List of TablesVII List of AbbreviationsIX A)Introduction1 I.Brief History of Pension Plans in the United States1 II.Relevance of Pension Plans for the American Population3 1)Tax Advantages for Employers3 2)Income Security for Employees4 3)Supplemental of Social Security System5 4)Prevalence of Corporate Pension Plans8 (a)Sponsoring and Participation Level by Work Group8 (b)Sponsoring and Participation Level by Plan Type9 (c)Pension and Annuity Income Levels10 5)Relevance of Individual Retirement Arrangements11 6)Influence on Financial Markets12 7)Further Areas of Pension Coverage14 (a)Self-employed Individuals14 (b)Unions as Co-founder of Pension Plan Trusts15 iMultiemployer Plans15 iiMultiple Employer Plans15 iiiSingle Employer Plans16 (c)Governmental Employees16 B)Regulatory Environment of Retirement Plans18 I.Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 197418 II.Trusts19 1)Pension Trust Triangle19 2)Tax Exemption of Trusts20 3)Prudent Man Rule20 4)Funding20 5)Legal Force and Creditor Protection21 6)ERISA vs. State Law21 III.Systematic Segmentation22 IV.Tax Regulations for Qualified Retirement Plans23 1)An Overview of the Current Tax System23 2)Tax Treatment of Transactions24 (a)Contributions24 iEmployee Contributions24 iiEmployer Contributions25 (b)Distributions26 iAveraging Method for Lump Sum Distributions26 iiTax Deferrals on Net Unrealized Appreciation in [...]