Corruption In American Politics And Life

Excerpt: Corruption is repulsive. It deserves the scorn and hatred which all straightforward men feel for it and which nearly all writers on the subject have expressed. Conviction of its vileness is the first step toward better things. Yet there is more than a possibility that the feeling of repugnance which corrupt practices inspire may interfere with our clearness of vision, may cloud our conception of the work before us, may even in some cases lead to misrepresentation?which is misrepresentation still although designed to aid in virtue?s cause. Fighting the devil with fire is evidence of a true militant spirit, yet one may doubt the wisdom of meeting an adversary in that adversary?s own element, of arming oneself for the battle with that adversary?s favorite weapon. Whatever views are held regarding the tactics of reform there must always be room for cool, systematic studies of social evils. These need not be lacking in sympathy for the good cause any more than the studies of the pathologist are devoid of sympathy for the sufferers from the disease which he is investigating. Nor need social studies conceived in the spirit of detachment, of objectivity, be lacking in practical helpfulness. We recognise the immense utility of the investigations of the pathologist although he works apart from hospital wards with microscope and culture tubes. In an effort to realise something of this spirit and purpose the following studies have been conceived.