Cultural Memories of Nonviolent Struggles

If societies have only memories of war, of cruelty, of violence, then why are we called humankind? This book marks a new trajectory in Memory Studies by examining cultural memories of nonviolent struggles from ten countries. The book reminds us of the enduring cultural scripts for human agency, solidarity, resilience and human kindness.

Bernhard Forchtner, Humboldt-University of Berlin, Germany Dr Colin Harvey, Kings College, University of London, UK Christoffer Kølvraa, Aarhus University, Denmark Red Chidgey, King's College, London, UK David Torell, King's College London, UK Dr Hart Cohen, University of Western Sydney, Australia Irit Dekel, Humboldt University of Berlin and Bard College Berlin, Germany Michelle Caswell, University of California, Los Angeles, USA Ornit Shani, University of Haifa, Israel Susan C. Pearce, East Carolina University, USA Yifat Gutman, Hebrew University, Israel