Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence, Data Protection & the Law

This book provides a comparison and practical guide of the data protection laws of Canada, China (Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan), Laos, Philippines, South Korea, United States and Vietnam. The book builds on the first book Data Protection Law. A Comparative Analysis of Asia-Pacific and European Approaches, Robert Walters, Leon Trakman, Bruno Zeller. As the world comes to terms with Artificial Intelligence (AI), which now pervades the daily lives of everyone. For instance, our smart or Iphone, and smart home technology (robots, televisions, fridges and toys) access our personal data at an unprecedented level. Therefore, the security of that data is increasingly more vulnerable and can be compromised. This book examines the interface of cyber security, AI and data protection. It highlights and recommends that regulators and governments need to undertake wider research and law reform to ensure the most vulnerable in the community have their personal data protected adequately, while balancing the future benefits of the digital economy.

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