At the heart of a forgotten town lies an abandoned ballroom, its faded elegance hiding a sinister presence. Dance With Me follows Lily, a struggling musician, who stumbles upon the eerie building while seeking inspiration for her next composition. Drawn to the haunting melody echoing from within, she enters, only to find herself ensnared in a chilling nightmare. The ballroom is cursed, trapping those who enter in an endless, ghostly waltz with partners who aren't entirely human. As Lily uncovers the dark history of the place, she learns about the souls bound to the dance floor and the price they paid to escape. Every step she takes in the ballroom tightens the grip of the curse, blurring the line between reality and the supernatural. To break free, Lily must confront the malevolent force orchestrating the macabre dance, risking her life and sanity in the process. But in a room where the music never stops, leaving may not be an option.

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