Ein Historienroman zum Thema: Großer Nordischer Krieg (1700-1721) zwischen den beiden Nationen Schweden und Russland. Der erste Band behandelt die Belagerung von Narva im Jahre 1700 und deren geführte Schlacht. Der Leser begleitet die Seiten hindurch Sven Eriksson, meinen persönlichen schwedischen Helden, der sich mit seinem Regiment nach Schwedisch Livland aufmacht, um seiner Bestimmung zu folgen, als schwedischer Karoliner Ruhm und Ehre zu erlangen.

Marcel Zentrich, Duke Of Kexby was born on July 13, 1995 in Großburgwedel near Hanover in Germany and grew up in the Weserbergland in Lügde with his parents and two other siblings. In 2015 he completed his high school diploma and the following year he volunteered for military service. From beeing a trooper after about three years of service and two Nato -Missions in that time, he decided to become an officers cadet. He successfully completed his courses in Flensburg 2020. Since then he has been serving on bord warships in the german naval forces. His many interests include horse riding, swimming, golfing, playing the piano, dancing, and above all, the topic of military history, which he has dealt and identified with since his early youth. Since his childhood, he had a special interest in the British Nation, as well as it´s history in it. For the love of the United Kingdom, he acquired in 2022 in the English County Of Devon near Plymouth land and a title of nobility. Since then he has spent a lot of time with British history and traditions. He dedicated many hours to literature, especially during the American War of Indipendence. Insights into british naval -and armed forces-histoy he slowly but steadily formed a focus on english military affairs, especially those of the 18th century. It was probably, only a matter of time that he would start writing his first historical novel, one day...