Das Gespür für die Welt

GEWINNER DES KUNO-TWITTERATURPREISES 2015 / 150+1 Ultrakurzgedichte von 1985 bis 2015 mit max. 8 Zeilen und jeweils max. 8 Wörtern pro Zeile. De Toys vertritt die Hypothese, daß ein Text mit weniger als drei Wörtern "nur als Mantra gelten" könne, während "ein echtes Gedicht aus mindestens drei Wörtern" bestehen müsse, wobei darüber hinaus "oftmals jedes weitere Wort nur eine Wiederholung auf anderen Ebenen und daher eigentlich nicht notwendig" sei. Inspirierte Sprache würde deshalb zwischen den Extremen der mystischen Reduktion (bis ins Kryptische) einerseits und der metaphorischen Ritualisierung (bis ins Kitschige) andererseits schwanken, so daß es einer "Gratwanderung auf der vibrierenden Mitte" gleiche, um die richtige Menge an Wörtern zu finden, die das "sich gebärende Gedicht" benötigt. Eine derartige Gratwanderung braucht das richtige Gespür für die Welt der Wörter...

Tom de Toys (author of the german book "MEHR JETZT" = "MORE NOW - CHANGE OF CONSCIOUSNESS FROM SYMBOLICITY TO PRESENTICITY") was born in Jülich (Germany) in 1968 and lived from 1997 til 2012 in Berlin. He published "Direct Poetry" (poetology of transreligious holEism) under more than 40 pseudonyms for almost three decades. Since 1989 he works actively both as a painter and as a performance artist for the philosophy of holEism. In 1990 he founded the so-called G&GN-Institut ("Institute For Complete Nothing@All"): www.G-GN.de. In 1994 he discovered the theory of E.S. ("Extended Sobriety") whereby authentic (i.e. fulfilled) love poetry can be politicised against the conventional misuse of the expression "love" (as in 95% of all fake love poems "longing" is meant indeed). In 2000 he received the very first NAHBELL prize, a very alternative Nobel prize for german contemporary poetry. In 2001 he invented QUANTUM POETRY which was world-premièred at the university of São Paulo (thanks to Goethe-Institut). Since 2012 De Toys lives in the district Eller Süd of Düsseldorf. His german poetry works as well as his photo art and landscape drawings appear already in many themed compilations (all available books @ www.neurogermanistik.de). Quotes taken from chosen articles in newspapers: FAZ 1997: "...the monster poet - mostly he works himself up into some kind of ecstasy: the pioneer of consciousness wants to overcome by means of his art any sort of religion..." taz 1999: "...the one with his 'Unprovoked Appresence' whose essential message is eternal presence..."

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Das Gespür für die Welt Toys, Tom De, Holeapple, Tomithy

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