Das Personal der Postmoderne

No one can tell the story of postmodernism better than its personnel. When the programmer meets the user, the curator the sampler, the coach the globalization critic, a typology of the recent past develops. In this volume, figures are portrayed who appear and retreat, who are at turns flexible, ambivalent and emblematic, but who always specifically stand for the post-60s era. With incisive stories about their prototypical figures, these essays work towards an inventory of postmodernism.

Alban Frei, geb. 1983, ist Doktorand an der Professur für Technikgeschichte der ETH Zürich. Er forscht zur Geschichte der Forschungspolitik. Hannes Mangold, geb. 1983, ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Professur für Technikgeschichte der ETH Zürich. Er forscht zur Geschichte der Sicherheit.