Deepening Community Engagement in Higher Education

This volume argues for reexamination of the field of community engagement, suggests that the most effective way forward requires rethinking the structures of traditional higher education, and points to the growing emergence of evidence-based best practices that can catalyze a renaissance in community engagement and in higher education.

Nicole Saylor, Carson-Newman College, USA Patrick Gruber, Carson-Newman College, USA Ashley Cochrane, Berea College, USA Heather Schill, Berea College, USA Debra Kiliru, Warren Wilson College, USA David Roncolato, Allegheny College, USA Stanley Talmage, Emory and Henry College, USA Travis Proffitt, Loyola University Chicago, USA Robert Hackett, The Bonner Foundation, USA Patrick Donohue, the College Of New Jersey, USA Kelly Behrend, The Bonner Foundation, USA Stephen Darr, Peacework, USA Karin Aguilar-San Juan, Macalester College, USA Paul Schadewald, Macalester College, USA Emily Kane Whitehouse, Bates College, USA Georgia Nigro, Bates College, USA Ellen Alcorn, Bates College, USA Holly Lasagna, Bates College, USA Beth Blissman, Oberlin College, USA Tom Mcgowan, Rhodes College, USA Anthony C. Siracusa, Rhodes College, USA Marshall Welch, Saint Mary's College Of California, USA John Saltmarsh, New England Resource Center For Higher Education, Usa Rick Ellis, Washburn University, USA Kristine Hart, Washburn University, USA Abby Kiesa, The Center For Information And Research On Civic Learning And Engagement (Circle), USA