Deer and the Tiger

The Deer and the Tiger is Schaller's detailed account of the ecology and behavior of Bengal tigers and four species of the hoofed mammals on which they prey, based on his observations in India's Kanha National Park.",This book is a treasure house of biological information and it is also a delight to read. . . . Excellent phoographs accompany the text.",-Robert K. Enders, American Scientist",The one book that has been my greatest source of inspiration is The Deer and the Tiger by George Schaller, based on the first ever scientific field study of the tiger. . . . This book is written by a scientist, but speaks from the heart. . . . It reveals startling information on feeding habitats, territorial behaviour, and the nuances that make up the language of the forest, you become totally immersed in the world of the tiger. . . . For all of us who work in tiger conservation, this book is the bible.",-Valmik Thapar, BBC Wildlife

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