Die Bistümer der Kirchenprovinz Mainz. Das Bistum Paderborn 1. Die Zisterzienserabtei Bredelar

Founded in 1196, the Bredelar Cistercian Monastery reached its greatest period of flowering during the 13th and 14th centuries. During this time the cloister owned an extensive library collection, containing up to 1,350 volumes, and generated significant illuminated biblical manuscripts. The Thirty Years’ War and Seven Years’ War weakened the monastery, which was rebuilt on two occasions prior to its closure in 1804. This book by Helmut Müller, which is devoted to the Bredelar Cistercian Monastery, constitutes the first volume about the Diocese of Paderborn within the Germania Sacra series. Following the established pattern for this series, the author presents the history of the Bredelar Monastery in relation to the Westphalian monasteries described in previous volumes, such as the Liesborn Benedictine Abbey and the Marienfeld Cistercian Monastery.

Helmut Müller, Landesarchiv NRW, Staatsarchiv Münster.