Die neuen Bürgerproteste in Deutschland

The Wutbürger (»enraged citizen«), voted word of the year for 2010, boiled the crisis of democratic representation in Germany down to one concept: more and more citizens are expressing mistrust towards established politics. The citizens' visions of a sound and just organization of politics, economics and the state are central to an observation of this crisis and its causes. This study deals with the protagonists of these new civil protests - those stakeholders who have lost faith in the functionality of our democracy: who are they, what are their demands, and what kind of democracy do they envision?

Felix Butzlaff (Dr. disc. pol.), geb. 1981, ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Göttinger Institut für Demokratieforschung. Er hat Politikwissenschaft, Volkswirtschaftslehre und Jura in Göttingen und Santiago de Chile studiert und arbeitet zur Geschichte und Gegenwart der Bürgerproteste sowie der deutschen und europäischen Parteienfamilie der Arbeiterbewegung.

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