Dienstleistungsmarketing in Verkehr und Logistik.

Für eine »spannende«, dynamische und in der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung besonders beachtete Branche - den Verkehr - gibt das vorliegende Buch konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen zur Gestaltung des Dienstleistungsmarketing in dieser Branche. Es erläutert den Dienstleistungsmarketingprozess ebenso wie das operative Handwerkszeug des Dienstleistungsmarketing. Die zur Entscheidungsfindung und Entscheidungsfällung nötigen Instrumente werden sowohl für die Dienstleister-/Verladerseite der Logistik als auch für den öffentlichen Personennahverkehrsbereich untersucht und anhand von Beispielen aus diesen Bereichen verdeutlicht. Zu Beginn jedes Abschnittes werden Kernfragen und Lernziele formuliert, dann der jeweilige inhaltliche Stoff dargestellt und zum Schluss Verständnisfragen gestellt. So ist das Buch nicht nur zum ganzheitlichen Erfassen des Dienstleistungsmarketing, sondern auch zum abschnittsweisen Lesen und zum Selbststudium geeignet.

Torsten Czenskowsky is professor for Business Administration with specialization in Logistics Controlling at the Karl-Scharfenberg Faculty of the Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences. He is Director at the Institute of Logistics Management of Karl-Scharfenberg Faculty in Salzgitter. During his professional career he gained experiences in every part of the transport industry, including passenger and freight services. Furthermore, he supported and advised companies and transport associations. His publications focus on Controlling, Logistics/Traffic and Marketing. Samir Saleh lectures and conducts research at the institute of logistics management of the Karl-Scharfenberg Faculty at the Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences. His main areas of interest are: Marketing Management, Corporate Management and International Management in relation to the logistics industry. Before he became Professor he worked in an internationally operating logistics company. Later he moved to the foundation DAV where he became the director of studies and CEO. He took up his first professorship at the Hamburg School of Business Administration HSBA. Since 2009, he has been a professor for business administration with specialization in Marketing Management and International Management at the Karl-Scharfenberg Faculty of the Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences. Hendrik Ernst is professor for Business Administration at the at the Karl-Scharfenberg Faculty of the Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences. He studied Business Engineering with specialization in Transport and Logistics at the Westphalian University of Applied Sciences where he subsequently worked as a research assistant on transport economics and policy. He received his Ph.D. in economics at the University of Münster. Before joining the Ostfalia, he worked as an expert on regulated industries especially public transport at PricewaterhouseCoopers. His main areas of research are management science and university teaching. Holger Kadgiehn is employed as a lecturer at Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences. He is member at the Institute of Logistics Management of Karl-Scharfenberg Faculty in Salzgitter, Germany. Special subjects of his job are: Corporate Management Marketing, Accounting and Controlling. He gained his job experiences as a member of the management of companies in industry and retail and as a freelancer in consulting, innovation-management and business-development.