Discovering Truths Through Beatles Songs: Finding Hidden Spiritual Treasures Through The Songs Of The Beatles

The subject which I have chosen for this book could also be entitled 'finding hidden spiritual treasures through the songs of The Beatle's music band". It is entirely written, foremost to appeal to the baby-boomer generation of which I was and am still a part of and secondly to interest possibly younger readers that maybe are curious and fascinated by the title. Hopefully many will find through these pages in their own lives, peace, joy, and truth as they read each chapter. Dr. Malcolm Blowes is currently the International Director of Win Our Nations, Inc., He has been a full-time missionary since 1992. Starting off he served for 51/2 years in The Republic of Slovakia. After that he departed for the USA to join with Teen Missions International Inc., as their India coordinator for three years. After completion in 2000 he returned back as the director of Win Our Nations, Inc. operating from their US base in Cocoa, Florida. They have four children: Daniel, Benjamin, Samuel, and Holly. Also, nine grandchildren: Joshua, Seth, Jude, Jordan, William, Amy, Ellie, Joel, and Spencer. The missionary life keeps them busy as they travel the globe sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. God has called them to establish churches, orphanages, and Bible Schools to raise up and care for nationals in the knowledge of God and His Word.