Ciao Carolyne, ecco le parole che formeranno la prima pietra di questa casa/libro che ci darà riparo nei momenti cupi. Sarà un luogo dove ci sentiremo al sicuro, privo di angoli vivi e di insetti dai pensieri che pungono. Siamo qui insieme a poggiarne le fondamenta... come uno strano dialogo a distanza. Il vento colpisce le parole che formano le pietre e alcune lettere volano via. Da tale parziale nudità nasceranno le finestre e le porte. Hi Carolyne, here the words that will form the first stone of this house/booklet giving us shelter in the dark moments. It will be a place where we will feel safe, free from sharp corners and insects with stinging thoughts. We are here together to lay the foundations of it ... like a strange dialogue at a distance. The wind hits the words forming the stones. Some letters will fly away. From this partial nakedness windows and doors will be born. Un duetto poetico tra Uganda e Italia. Poeti: Carolyne Afroetry MA e Marco Marengo A poetry duo between Uganda and Italy. Poets: Carolyne Afroetry MA and Marco Marengo

Carolyne M. Acen (Afroetry) is a Ugandan Spoken word artist, poet and activist. She currently manages Echo minds Poets. A group of 7 female poets dedicated to bringing women's stories to the stage in a theatrical production. In 2017 she was shortlisted for the Haiku Africa Competition and competed in the East Africa Poetic Hour competition in Kisumu,Kenya in 2018. Her poetry has been published in literary magazines and blogs.