Dora Hitz - Wechselspiele von Weiblichkeit und Raum

Women artists fall into oblivion, no matter how influential and style-defining they were in their time. This was also the case with Dora Hitz (1853-1924), who represented modern painting in Berlin around 1900, stylistically and thematically. Rahel Schrohe shows why it is worth rediscovering the artist's work and opens up a completely new perspective on Hitz: she examines her work with a focus on the relationship between femininity and space. Throughout her life, Hitz was regarded as a painter of women, as she created numerous pictures of mothers with their children and portrayed women in Berlin society. How did Hitz reflect the position of middle-class women around 1900 and the contemporary discourses on femininity in her paintings? And to what extent did she utilise her social possibilities to take a critical look at women's limited scope for action?

Rahel Schrohe ist Kunsthistorikerin und Kuratorin in Berlin und bereitet derzeit eine Ausstellung zu Dora Hitz in der Liebermann-Villa am Wannsee vor. Zuvor leitete sie den Kunstverein KunstHaus Potsdam und arbeitete im kuratorischen Team der Fondation Beyeler in Basel

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