"Dreams" is a collection of short stories by Olive Schreiner. The stories explore the inner lives and struggles of women in Victorian-era South Africa, grappling with issues of identity, love, and societal expectations. The collection includes several poignant and thought-provoking stories, which follows a young woman who defies social conventions to pursue her passion for botany, and "In a Far-Off World," which explores the complex relationship between a white woman and her mixed-race daughter. Other stories delve into the realm of dreams and the subconscious, including "The Lost Joy," which follows a woman on a journey of self-discovery through her dreams, and "The Artist's Secret," which explores the hidden desires and fears of an aspiring artist. Throughout the collection, Schreiner employs a powerful and evocative prose style to capture the innermost thoughts and emotions of her characters, illuminating the struggles and triumphs of women in a patriarchal society. "Dreams" remains a landmark work of feminist literature and a testament to Schreiner's skill as a storyteller and social commentator.

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