Ready for the future - with networked supply chain management. The effects of globalisation are nowhere more apparent than in the worldwide networking of individual companies, industries and entire geographic areas. Indeed, global value networks are the new paradigm of modern economics. As a result, none of the issues which are critical to our economic future can be addressed without the involvement of supply chains and sufficient consideration of their impact. This book gives an insight into the megatrends which are shaping our economy today and which will continue to do so in the future. A unique perspective on this issue is ensured by the combination of experienced authors: supply chain experts and KPMG partners Sven Marlinghaus and Christian Rast alongside the future researchers at TrendONE. The authors also give specific recommendations on how companies and public organisations could adapt their supply chains to these megatrends.

Sven T. Marlinghaus ist Partner bei der KPMG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft AG und Leiter SCM & Procurement Consulting. Er war seit 1999 Partner und Verwaltungsrat von BrainNet, eine der weltweit führenden Beratungen für Einkauf und Supply-Chain-Management. BrainNet ist seit Juni 2012 Teil des weltweiten KPMG-Netzwerks. Sven T. Marlinghaus ist Autor verschiedener Publikationen zum Thema Supply-Chain-Management und ein gefragter Redner auf Fachkonferenzen.

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