EPSA Epistemology and Methodology of Science

These volumes collect a selection of papers presented at the Founding Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association meeting in Madrid. The volumes provide an excellent overview of the state of the art in philosophy of science as practised nowadays in different European countries. TOC:Naturalism and the Scientific Status of the Social Sciences. Reconsidering Gilberts Account of Social Norms. Theories for Use: On the Bearing of Basic Science on Practical Problems. Structural Realism as a form Humility. Approaching the Truth Via Belief Change in Propositional Languages. Towards a Grammar of Bayesian Confirmation. Epistemic Accuracy and Subjective Probability. Interpretation in the Natural Sciences. Multiple Realizability and Mind-Body Identity. Why Should Philosophers of Science pay Attention to the Commercialization of Academic Science? Some Consequences of the Pragmatist Approach to Representation: Decoupling the Model-Target Dyad and Indirect Reasoning. The Gray Area for Incorruptible Scientific Research. Epistemic Replacement Relativism Defended. Models and Truth: The Functional Decomposition Approach. Theory Change, Truthlikeness and Belief Revision. Why the Model-theoretic View of Theories does not Adequately Depict the Methodology of Theory Application. A Deflated, Neo-Mertonian Critique of Academic Patenting. I want to look like a lady, not like a factory worker. Rose Rand, a woman philosopher of the Vienna Circle. Natural Kind Theory as a Tool for Philosophers of Science. Whence Ontological Structural Realism? Local, General and Universal Prediction Methods: A Game-Theoretical Approach to the Problem of Induction. Multiple Contraction Revisited. Statistical Inference Without Frequentist Justifications. Carnap and the Perils of Ramseyfication. Naturalizing Meaning through Epistemology: Some Critical Notes. What Games do Scientists Play? Rationality and Objectivity In a Game-Theoretic Approach to the Social Construction of Scientific Knowledge. Can Graphical Causal Inference Be Extended to Nonlinear Settings? Mechanisms: Are activities up to the job?