Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics in Memory of Ragnar Sigbjörnsson

This book presents methods and results that cover and extend beyond the state-of-the-art in structural dynamics and earthquake engineering. Most of the chapters are based on the keynote lectures at the International Conference in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics (ICESD), held in Reykjavik, Iceland, on June 12-14, 2017. The conference is being organised in memory of late Professor Ragnar Sigbjörnsson, who was an influential teacher and one of the leading researchers in the fields of structural mechanics, random fields, engineering seismology and earthquake engineering. Professor Sigbjörnsson had a close research collaboration with the Norwegian Institute of Science and Technology (NTNU), where his research was mainly focused in dynamics of marine and offshore structures. His research in Iceland was mainly focused on engineering seismology and earthquake engineering. The keynote-lecture based chapters are contributed by leading experts in these fields of research and showcase not only the historical perspective but also the most recent developments as well as a glimpse into the future. These chapters showcase a synergy of the fields of structural dynamics, engineering seismology, and earthquake engineering. In addition, some chapters in the book are based on works carried out under the leadership and initiative of Professor Sigbjörnsson and showcase his contribution to the understanding of seismic hazard and risk in Iceland. As such, the book is useful for both researchers and practicing engineers who are interested in recent research advances in structural dynamics and earthquake engineering, and in particular to those interested in seismic hazard and risk in Iceland.

Rajesh Rupakhety is a professor at the Civil and Environmental Engineering Faculty at the University of Iceland, and Director of Research at the Earthquake Engineering Research Centre of the University of Iceland. He obtained his BS in Civil Engineering from Tribhuwan University, Nepal, his MSc in Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology from the University of Pavia, Italy and the University of Patras, Greece, and a PhD in Earthquake Engineering from the University of Iceland. Areas of his academic interest are solid and fluid mechanics, structural analysis and design, engineering seismology, and earthquake engineering. Within the fields of solid and fluid mechanics, he has hands on experience in design and construction of hydropower systems. He has professional and research experience in analysis and design of structures for seismic action. In engineering seismology, his research activities include processing of strong motion data, modelling of inelastic response spectra, theoretical and empirical ground motion modelling and prediction, modelling of ground motion random field, quantification of near-fault ground motion, local site effects, and soil amplification. He is also active in use of historical and macroseismic data, probabilistic and deterministic seismic hazard assessment, and seismic hazard assessment for facilities storing hazardous mining waste, and seismic design provisions for hydropower and wind power plants in Iceland. His primary teaching activities are in continuum mechanics, computational mechanics, finite element analysis, structural dynamics, stochastic processes and random vibration, and earthquake engineering.

Símon Ólafsson is a research professor and the Director of the Earthquake Engineering Research Centre of the University of Iceland, Selfoss. He received his undergraduate degree in electrical engineering from the same university in 1981 and his MSc degree in electrical engineering from the University of Southern California in 1990. In 1999, he earned his PhD on the dynamics of structures and response to earthquake loading from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway. During the 1980s, he worked with Professor Ragnar Sigbjörnsson on various instrumentation projects and, most notably, the establishment of the Icelandic Strong Motion Network. His main research interests are engineering seismology and earthquake engineering. His ongoing research projects deal with strong-motion monitoring and signal processing, source mechanics, ground motion modelling using stochastic, discrete time models, earthquake hazard, and system identification.

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