Ecological Classification of Saskatchewn's Mid-Boreal Ecoregions Using Resource Maps and Aerial Photographs

This work presents five aerial photo stereograms, representing landscape profiles of a wide range of ecological site conditions in the boreal mixedwood ecoregions of Saskatchewan. It describes procedures for identifying and mapping mixedwood ecosites.

Weitere Produkte vom selben Autor

Field Guide to Ecosites of the Mid-Boreal Ecoregions of Saskatchewan Beckingham, J. D., Nielsen, D. G., Futoransky, V. A.

31,50 €*
Field Guide to Ecosites of Southwestern Alberta Archibald, J. H., Klappstein, G. D., Corns, I. G. W.

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Field Guide to Ecosites of the Mid-Boreal Ecoregions of Saskatchewan Beckingham, J. D., Nielsen, D. G., Futoransky, V. A.

37,00 €*