Based on the novel by Ingvar Ambjørnsen, in original stage adaptation by Axel Hellstenius in collaboration with Peter Naess, in a new version by Simon Bent.Mummy's boy Elling and his roommate, the uncouth, reluctant virgin Kjell Bjarne, are the Odd Couple of Oslo: a pair of confused souls taking their first steps in the outside world after years of isolated, institutional life. Given a flat in the city by social services, they must re-assimilate themselves into society or face a return to the asylum. So it's simply a question of convincing their social worker that they really are 'normal' - even if it does feel safer sleeping in the wardrobe.Based on the award-winning cult film, Elling was first performed at the Bush Theatre in 2007 and transferred to Trafalgar Studios in the West End.

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