Ëndrra ime më e bukur - Mon plus beau rêve (shqip - frëngjisht)

Libër fëmijësh në dy gjuhë, nga 2-3 vjeç (shqip - frëngjisht) Lulun nuk po e merr gjumi. Të gjitha lodrat e saja ledhatare tashmë janë duke ëndërruar - peshkaqeni, elefanti, miushi i vogël, dragoi, kanguri dhe luani këlysh. Madje edhe arushi i vogël mezi i mban sytë e hapur... Hej arush, më merr dhe mua në ëndrrën tënde? Kështu fillon për Lulunë një udhëtim e cila e çon në ëndrrat e lodrave të saja ledhatare - dhe më në fund në ëndrrën e saj më të bukur. ? Livre bilingue pour enfants (albanais - français) Lulu ne peut pas s'endormir. Toutes ses peluches sont déjà en train de rêver - le requin, l'éléphant, la petite souris, le dragon, le kangourou et le bébé lion. Même Nounours a du mal à garder ses yeux ouverts ... Eh Nounours, tu m'emmènes dans ton rêve ? C'est ainsi que Lulu part en voyage qui l'emmène à travers les rêves de ses peluches - et finalement dans son propre rêve, le plus beau rêve. ? Avec modèles de coloriage à imprimer ! Via un lien dans le livre, les illustrations de l'histoire peuvent être téléchargées pour être imprimées et coloriées.

Cornelia Haas was born near Augsburg, Germany, in 1972. After completing her apprenticeship as a sign and light advertising manufacturer, she studied design at the Münster University of Applied Sciences and graduated with a degree in design. Since 2001 she has been illustrating childrens' and adolescents' books, since 2013 she has been teaching acrylic and digital painting at the Münster University of Applied Sciences. Ulrich Renz was born in Stuttgart, Germany, in 1960. After studying French literature in Paris he graduated from medical school in Lübeck and worked as head of a scientific publishing company. He is now a writer of non-fiction books as well as children's fiction books.

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