Entomovectoring for Precision Biocontrol and Enhanced Pollination of Crops

This book focuses on entomovectoring, also known as apivectoring, the method used for managing pollinators to increase crop yields and employ strategies of biocontrol in greenhouses and open fields. It is written by experts working in academia and industry from the different continents of the world. Over the past 25 years Research and Development has successfully investigated the potential of pollinators to perform two tasks: dispersal of biological control agents (BCOs) and their pollination service. This book provides a basic overview of the current literature on the different aspects and factors of this novel technology. It explains and presents practical cases of enhancing pollination coupled with the suppression of plant pathogens and pests under various agricultural production practices from greenhouse to open field conditions and crops ranging from orchard fruits, to small and tender berries, vegetables and oil seeds

Prof. Guy Smagghe, Ghent University, Department of Crop Protection, Ghent, Belgium

Dr. Otto Boecking, Institut für Bienenkunde Celle, Celle, Germany

Bettina Maccagnani Ph.D., Agriculture and Environment Center, 'Giorgio Nicoli', CREVALCORE, Italy

Marika Mänd, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Department Plant Protection,Tartu, Estonia

Prof. Dr. Peter G. Kevan, University of Guelph, School of Environmental Sciences, 5Guelph, Canada