Entre Todas Las Estrellas / Among All of the Stars

Ganador del Premio Boolino de narrativa infantil 2015.Una novela memorable sobre lo crucial que resulta saber quiénes somos y hasta dónde estamos dispuestos a llegar. Sobre la importancia de la sinceridad y el innegable valor de la amistad.A finales de verano, Natalia, Pedro, Lucía e Iván se encuentran en una cabaña en medio de un bosque.Las razones que los han llevado hasta este lugar son tan diversas como distintos son estos cuatro chicos. Pero los lazos que se crean entre ellos serán de tal intensidad que de la experiencia todos saldrán diferentes.En lo que comienza como un relato de amistad entre cuatro jóvenes, va cobrando forma un elemento de magia que adquiere un protagonismo cada vez mayor, hasta el inesperado final de la historia.ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Natalia, Peter, Lucia, and Ivan are in a cabin in the middle of a forest. The reasons that brought them there are as different as they are. But the bonds they create between them are of such intensity that everyone will leave different. What begins as a story of friendship between four youths comes to an unexpected end. School Library Journal (September 1, 2016) Gr 5-8-Once in while you find a gem that you wish was published in an English translation. This is one of those books. One by one, three kids-Natalia, Pedro and Lucía-find their way to a seemingly abandoned house in a remote area. Each of them has left home for various reasons. They are joined by mysterious figure Iván, who says that this house belongs to his grandfather. Through the course of the evening, they each reveal their stories and their reason for estrangement from their families. News of a horrible accident on the freeway and a trip to the hospital reveal that Iván is not exactly who he seems. The threads are tied together in one of the most satisfying conclusions that I have recently read. It is distinguished by gorgeous writing with lyrical passages that readers will want to keep as quotes. © Copyright 2016. Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution permitted.