In the transition to a commemoration without historical eye-witnesses, the sites of national socialist crimes will be assigned an ever-increasing role in the transmission of the history of Nazism. The material and design challenges that are posed by the future conception of concentration camp commemoration sites and other national socialist commemoration sites are the collective points of reference of this interdisciplinary book. Articles on archeological and historical foundations as well as cultural-theoretical, socio-linguistic and pedagogical approaches are complemented by documentations and reflections on design applications and initiatives in the policy of commemoration as well as visual essays by artists.

Daniela Allmeier (Dipl.-Ing.) lehrt am Fachbereich für Örtliche Raumplanung an der TU Wien. Inge Manka (Dr. Dipl.-Ing.) lehrt am Institut für Kunst und Gestaltung an der TU Wien. Peter Mörtenböck (Prof. Dr.) lehrt Visuelle Kultur an der TU Wien und am Goldsmiths College, University of London. Rudolf Scheuvens (Prof. Stadtplaner DASL) ist Professor für Örtliche Raumplanung und Stadtentwicklung und Dekan der Fakultät für Architektur und Raumplanung der TU Wien.