European B2C E-Commerce in the Banking Sector

Inhaltsangabe:Introduction: Based on the findings of the correlation analysis described in chapter 7.1, factors of influence and variables statistically not related to financial B2C e-commerce can now be distinguished. While the focus of this part of the analysis lies on factors showing significant correlation coefficients in relation to the research topic, this does not mean that the non-correlated factors are not of importance or somewhat connected. The statistical measurements may not be suitable for this type of analysis, survey results may be misleading or the situation will have changed in the last two years after the investigation. On the other hand, the observed correlations do not necessarily equal a causal relationship and the high complex matter can not be explained by single variables as influence factors. The conducted correlation analysis only serves as an indicator for potential influence factors or accelerators and has to be carefully evaluated. Keeping these considerations in mind, the statistical analysis within the scope of this masters dissertation will support the following conclusions and interpretations. First of all, computer usage and skills as well as internet usage and skills need to be on a high level in a country to facilitate financial B2C e-commerce. Residents of countries with higher levels for the subject of examination will probably already have gained adequate skills, as indicated by a medium strong negative relation to computer courses taken in the last three months and other online activities such as online information search and online banking positively correlated. While online banking is partially included in the variable e_comm representing financial B2C e-commerce through customer’s usage of online financial services, this particular result may not be totally conclusive. However, it seems logical that consumers with good computer and internet skills also spending a lot of time with advanced activities on the internet may also engage in financial B2C e-commerce. This assumption narrows down the target group and excludes a certain clientele from online product offers of financial institutions - banks will need to adapt their web portals accordingly, set up initiatives improving computer and web skills of their consumers and meet their consumers on the internet, e.g. with advertising while they are using search engines. Practical evidence supporting these interpretations can be found in several examples of [...]