Fine Needle Aspiration of Palpable Masses

Fine Needle Aspiration of Palpable Masses presents an extensive examination of the equipment, basic techniques, and staining procedures in medicine. It discusses the fundamental concepts in a direct, first line approach to the evaluation of tissue samples. It addresses the steps in painlessly and inexpensively obtaining material for diagnosis. Some of the topics covered in the book are the preparation of syringes; description of a syringe holder, volume of tissue obtained by a syringe; basic methods in using a syringe for tissue sample; preparation of smears; common type of glass slide; two-slide-pull method; and alternative to rapid preparation of smears. The definition and description of clotting of aspiration specimen are fully covered. In-depth accounts of the histologic preparation of aspirated material are provided. The general characteristics of smears prior to staining are completely presented. A chapter is devoted to stains applied to fixed smears. Another section focuses on the preparations of slides for immunocytochemical stains. The book can provide useful information to laboratory technicians, engineers, nurses, students, and researchers.