Floating Waste Identification in Water Bodies with an AI-Driven Boat System

Bachelorarbeit aus dem Fachbereich Informatik - Künstliche Intelligenz, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Today, water is being contaminated at a higher rate, which increases the pollution level. Water in ponds is not being maintained as it is not a major concern. Also, the floating waste in the ponds are increasing due to ignorance. The current methods of organic and non-organic waste removal from water bodies are inefficient, labour-intensive, and lack precise waste segregation techniques. This leads to environmental degradation, contamination of aquatic ecosystems, and poses a threat to biodiversity and human health. Therefore, there is a pressing need to develop an AI-driven boat system that can autonomously and effectively remove, segregate, and dispose of both organic and non-organic waste, improving waste management practices in water bodies. In this system, image processing techniques can be employed to detect the floating wastes (organic and non-organic) and removal of waste can be done with suitable sensors. The information regarding the waste and pH level are stored in cloud periodically and so it can be accessed through IoT. Since the information is stored in cloud, the co-ordinates of the boat can be obtained for proper maintenance of the smart boat.