Foundations of Supply-Side Economics

Foundations of Supply-Side Economics: Theory and Evidence is composed of a series of papers containing both theoretical and empirical analyses of a set of issues in government fiscal policy. The type of analysis employed in the book is standard neoclassical economics, and this analysis is used to study the macroeconomic incentive effects of taxation. The book contains contributions that cover the analysis of the effects of taxes imposed purely for generating revenues; the process of capital formation; and an attempt to integrate supply-side analysis into a traditional macroeconomic framework. Reports on the empirical evidence on taxation and economic activity and the estimation of a small macroeconomic model of the United States for the postwar period; description of a method of calculating effective marginal tax rates on factor incomes using available U.S. data; and the estimation of the effect of fiscal policy on private investment in plant and equipment are presented as well. Economists will find the book highly insightful.

Victor A. Canto is the Chief Economist and Managing Director of Global Strategies at Cadinha & Co. and founder and Chairman of La Jolla Economics. He was an advisor to the Lazard Capital Allocator Series, Advisor to the Nestegg Funds, Trustee of in Culver City, California, Director, Chief Investment Officer, and Portfolio Manager of Calport Asset Management, and President and Director of Research of A.B. Laffer, V. A. Canto & Associates.He was a tenured Associate Professor of finance and business economics at the University of Southern California (USC) from 1983 to 1985. Dr. Canto was Assistant Professor of finance and business economics at the University of Southern California from 1977 to 1983 and Visiting Professor at the Universidad Central del Este in the Dominican Republic. He was also a Visiting Professor of economics at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) during the winter of 1987.During 1980, Dr. Canto was a consultant to the Financial Council of Puerto Rico; during 1977, an advisor to the economic Studies Division of the Dominican Republic's Central Bank. During 1975 he was technical advisor to the Finance Minister of the Dominican Republic.Dr. Canto received a B Sc. in civil engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1972, an M.A. and Ph. D. in economics from the University of Chicago (1974, 1977).Dr. Canto has authored, edited, or co-edited a number of books, including the landmark Foundations of Supply-Side Economics, as well as Monetary Policy, Taxation, and International Investment Strategy; Supply-Side Portfolio Strategies; and Currency Substitution: Theory and Evidence from Latin America , Understanding Asset Allocation as well as Cocktail Economics. Economic Disturbances and Equilibrium in an Integrated Global Economy ( Forthcoming).He is the recipient of the Supremo de Plata awarded by the Dominican Republic JC to the Outstanding Young Man of 1983, and the recipient of the University of Southern California University Scholar award. He is a member of Chi Epsilon (the civil engineering honorary society).Victor Canto's articles have appeared in many of the leading economic journals, including Economic Inquiry, Journal of Macroeconomics, The International Trade Journal, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, The Southern Economic Journal, Applied Economics, Weltwirstchaftliches Archiv, The CATO Journal, Public Finance, The Journal of International Money and Finance and The Journal of Wealth Management. In addition to his principal fields of interest--International Economics, Public Finance, and Macroeconomics, Dr. Canto has been published in the Wall Street Journal and the Investor's Business Daily. He authored articles on energy markets for the Public Utilities Fortnightly, and the Oil and Gas Journal, as well as a series of articles on portfolio strategy for the Financial Analysts Journal. He contributed 'Exotic Currencies,” to The New Palgrave Dictionary of Money and Finance, published by MacMillan Press Limited in 1992. He also was a contributing editor for National Review Online Financial.