Functionality, Advancements and Industrial Applications of Heat Pipes

Functionality, Advancements and Industrial Applications of Heat Pipes introduces heat pipe technologies and highlights a variety of applications for passive thermal control. The book begins with a thorough analysis of heat pipe infrastructure, including principles of operation, temperature limits, reliability and lessons learned from worked examples and case studies. It also presents a concise design guideline for the assembly of heat pipes. The second part moves on to consider a variety of modern day applications for the heat pipe principles discussed, covering nuclear and solar thermal energy engineering facilities as well as applications in space, in the sea and in the air.

A final section works through manufacturing elements of different types of heat pipe to ensure they are well maintained and remain fully operational. This section includes the cleaning of parts, the assembly of the heat pipe, an analysis of gas blockages and how to deal with them, as well as performance versification.

  • Analyzes a wide variety of heat pipes used in various settings, including constant-conductance heat pipes, loop heat pipes and wrap around heat pipes
  • Considers applications at sea, in the air, on land and in space, including the nuclear and solar energy industries, heat pipes in spacecraft and heat pipe reactors
  • Includes a heat pipe assembly and design guide, as well as an analysis of lessons learned from different case studies

Dr. Bahman Zohuri is currently at the Galaxy Advanced Engineering, Inc. a consulting company that he started himself in 1991 when he left both semiconductor and Defence industries after many years working as a chief scientist. After graduating from University of Illinois in field of Physics and Applied Mathematics, he joined Westinghouse Electric Corporation where he performed thermal hydraulic analysis and natural circulation for Inherent Shutdown Heat Removal System (ISHRS) in the core of a Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor (LMFBR) as a secondary fully inherent shut system for secondary loop heat exchange. All these designs were, used for Nuclear Safety and Reliability Engineering for Self-Actuated Shutdown System. He designed the Mercury Heat Pipe and Electromagnetic Pumps for Large Pool Concepts of LMFBR for heat rejection purpose for this reactor around 1978 where he received a patent for it. He then was, transferred to defence division of Westinghouse later, where he was responsible for the dynamic analysis and method of launch and handling of MX missile out of canister. He later on was a consultant at Sandia National Laboratory after leaving United States Navy. Dr. Zohuri earned his Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Physics from the University of Illinois and his second Master degree in Mechanical Engineering as well as his Doctorate in Nuclear Engineering from University of New Mexico. He has been, awarded three patents, and has published 26 textbooks and numerous other journal publications.

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