GE Way Fieldbook

",If management is an art, then surely Jack Welch has proved himself a master painter.",- BusinessWeekBoardroom legend Jack Welch is widely regarded as one of the most effective CEOs in business history. Welch’s groundbreaking programs—including Six Sigma and Work-Out—along with his numerous strategies on business leadership have helped transform GE into the global benchmark for maximized productivity and labor efficiency.Now, The GE Way Fieldbook explains how you can implement the same programs that helped turn GE into a $100 billion juggernaut. Drawing from his unprecedented access to GE’s top-level corridors of power—including a never-before-published full-length interview with Jack Welch—veteran business author Robert Slater packs innovative strategies, easy-to-use diagnostic exercises, detailed questionnaires, and more into the most hands-on, applications-oriented book ever written on General Electric. Only in The GE Way Fieldbook will you find:",The Boca Raton Speeches",—Never-before-seen excerpts taken from Jack Welch’s internal speeches to GE employeesMore than 100 exercises, overheads, and exhibits from the files of Jack Welch and GEThe most complete treatment of GE’s Six Sigma program ever publishedStep-by-step action plans that are blueprints for implementing Six Sigma and Work-Out—and creating the boundaryless organizationThe fieldbook has become one of today’s most popular, effective teaching tools—but never before has one focused on the inner workings and strategies of a specific company. The GE Way Fieldbook gives you an inside look at the stunningly successful Jack Welch era at GE, provides the techniques and tools you need to focus every worker in your organization on progress and growth, and outlines a strategic roadmap for implementing GE’s business practices—and removing the boundaries to success—within your own organization.

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