Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the Mafia & drug trader`s Master

Gabriel Garcia Marquez had the resources to finance elections campaigns, France, Panama, were among those he supported. Gabriel Garcia Marquez did not take the presidency he was offered in his native country of Columbia. Gabriel Garcia Marquez took control of the drug traders in Latin America and the Americas. Gabriel Garcia Marquez took an active part in the Drugging program supported by The Castro Brothers.

Evelyn Guevara Lohmann under took this study after realizing that the man controlling the Che Guevara propaganda could also be seen to be involved in the J F Kennedy assassination. Gabriel Garcia Marquez was an associate of the Drug Cartels operating in Latin America. Gabriel Garcia Marquez took an active role in Latin America and the Americas part in the soviet and Czechoslovakian Drugging program. Spies CIA Lies Terrorist Che Guevara Gabriel Garcia Marquez the creator of Che Guevara start to unravel the propaganda stories used by the CIA and The Castros. The full implication of the term Drugging Program has been described by Joseph D Douglass PhD in his work, Red Cocaine he was an American security analyst; who explains General Jan Sejna defection and uncovered the drug offensive.

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