Geografiya O'qituvchisining Darsga Tayyorgarligi Va Dars Tahlil Qilish Usullari

An experienced pedagogue pays attention to how his actions affected the students, makes the necessary corrections and improves them. From the problems of such teachers, students' desire to study gives them confidence that they can study better. In this case, the methods of education and upbringing become a means of realizing the qualities embodied in the personality of the pedagogue and transferring moral qualities from him to the student. It should be recognized that it depends on the teacher having a high level of psychological and pedagogical training. The methods, and forms of education and upbringing are warmed by the pedagogue's love for children and are improved through a heart full of humanitarian feelings. In addition to the pedagogue, students are influenced by the environment, parents, teachers of other subjects, mass media, and social life, sometimes imperceptibly, and sometimes comprehensively. That is why the work of a pedagogue involves simultaneously making corrections to the total effects and thoughts that have arisen in the student himself.