Geopolitics of 'Climate Change Migrations'- A study of South Asia

The discourse of ¿climate migrations¿ will reinforce the old borders (physical and mental) and create new ¿climate borders¿ between India and Bangladesh. In International Relations State system is expected uphold five basic social values security, freedom, order, justice and welfare but climate change would be challenging all these social values. This work revolves around interrelated key concepts of critical geopolitics, imaginative geographies and borders in order to map out geopolitics of fear, deployed through the imaginative geographies of climate induced migrations, and analyze its implications for India and Bangladesh. This work stated that a critical social science intervention in the nascent discourse of ¿climate change migration¿ is needed, in order to uncover and analyze the political uses and abuses of climate fear, and growing securitization and militarization of climate change policy and responses. Far from being the problem of National Security and the state and non state actors needs to desecuretise the issue of climate induced migration and shift their attention towards the most neglected aspects of climate affair i.e. the issue climate ethics and equity.