Perfect for aspiring coders everywhere,Girl Codeis the story of two teenage tech phenoms who met at Girls Who Code summer camp, teamed up to create a viral video game, andended up becomingworld famous. The book also includes bonus content to help you get started coding!Fans of funny and inspiring books like MayaVan WagenensPopularand Caroline PaulsGutsy Girlwill love hearing about Andrea Andy Gonzales and Sophie Housers journey from average teens to powerhouses. Through the success of their videogame,Andy and Sophie got unprecedented access to some of the biggest start-ups and tech companies, and now theyre sharing what theyve seen. Their video game and their commitment to inspiring young women have been covered by the Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, CNN, Teen Vogue, Jezebel, the Today show,and many more.Get ready for an inside look at the tech industry, the true power of coding, and some of the amazing women who are shaping the world. Andy and Sophie reveal not only what theyve learned about opportunities in science and technology but also the true value of discovering your own voice and creativity.A Junior Library Guild Selection

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Girl Code Gonzales, Andrea, Houser, Sophie

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