Glamorgan Folk Tales for Children

How do you get rid of a bothersome giant? Have you got a secret like Effie? And what would you do with an invisibility seed? Some of these stories from Glamorgan are strange and sad, some are a bit scary and some are a bit mad. Our ancestors first told them long ago, and people liked them so much they kept passing them on. These stories of magic and adventure belong to everyone. They are meant to be told. Read them, tell them and pass them on yourself! Storyteller Cath Little has gathered together this enchanting collection of tales, illustrated by fellow storyteller and illustrator Peter Stevenson. Told in Cath's captivating style, these stories will be especially enjoyed by primary school-aged children.

Cardiff storyteller and singer CATH LITTLE has a strong belief in the power of traditional stories to connect us to one another, to the land, and to the people who once lived before. Cath helps run the Cardiff Storytelling Circle and curates their seasonal concerts, Tales for the Turning Year. She tells and listens to stories at Oasis, a Cardiff charity which offers a warm Welsh welcome to refugees and asylum seekers. Cath shares stories in schools, libraries, museums, castles, cafes and fields. She has performed at clubs and festivals across Britain and Ireland and is the author of Glamorgan Folk Tales for Children, published by The History Press.

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Glamorgan Folk Tales for Children Little, Cath

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