Global Psychology from Indigenous Perspectives

This volume celebrates the visions of a more equitable global psychology as inspired by the late Professor K. S. Yang, one of the founders of the indigenous psychology movement.  This unprecedented international debate among leaders in the field is essential for anyone who wishes to understand the movement from within-the thinking and the vision of those who are the driving forces behind the movement. This book should appeal to scholars and students of psychology, sociology, anthropology, ethnology, philosophy of science, and postcolonial studies.

Louise Sundararajan is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association (APA), and recipient of the Abraham Maslow Award for 2014, from Division 32 (International Society of Humanistic Psychology) of APA. She received her Ph.D. in History of Religions from Harvard University, and her Ed.D. in Counseling Psychology from Boston University.

Kwang-Kuo Hwang is Professor Emeritus of Personality and Social Psychology at National Taiwan University, Taiwan. He is founder of Research Center for Cultural China and recently published Culture-inclusive Theories: An Epistemological Strategy (2019).

Kuang-Hui Yeh is a Research Fellow at the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, and a Joint-Appointment Professor of Department of Psychology at National Taiwan University, Taiwan. He is also the current President of Taiwanese Psychological Association.