Google Voice For Dummies

Save time and money with Google's revolutionary new phone system

Google Voice combines existing phone lines, e-mail, and Web access into one central communication channel, Tech industry watchers expect it to give Skype some serious competition, yet little information is available on this new Google service,

Google Voice For Dummies is the first and only book on Google's breakthrough new offering and provides essential information for individuals and businesses who want to take advantage of this exciting new technology,

  • Google Voice is expected to have a major impact on telephony and to offer major cost savings for individuals and businesses
  • This guide focuses on an in-depth understanding of setting up and using Google Voice and how to integrate it with other Google services, including Gmail, Google Chat, and Google Talk
  • Discusses managing Google Voice within organizations and examines key concerns for business, schools, government, and other kinds of organizations
  • Explains how Google Voice connects with the many phone options currently available and how to move toward an optimized and inexpensive, yet flexible and powerful phone environment
  • The book is supported by news and updates on www,gvDaily,com, the leading Google Voice question and answer site created by authors Bud E, Smith and Chris Dannen

Google Voice For Dummies supplies much-needed information on this free and exciting technology that the New York Times has called revolutionary,

Bud E, Smith has been a technical writer, product manager, and marketer for a variety of high-tech companies, He is also editor of the first blog exclusively for Google Voice, gvDaily,com,

Chris Dannen is a writer and regular contributor to FastCompany magazine,

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Google Voice For Dummies Bud E. Smith, Chris Dannen

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