Recently arrived in Ireland, Anthea Greene finds herself swept into a situation of simmering dangers. Fifty years previously, in the time of Oliver Cromwell tragedy struck the small village of Gortmore which lies in Ireland under the Comeragh mountains, but the past has left much unresolved. Anthea is attracted to Mark Lee, the son of the landlord of Gortmore. She questions her love - a realist, she sees his faults. When she goes to stay with the neighbouring landlord who is her distant relative she feels trapped by her own poverty. She finds herself in a magnificent bleak mansion where dark passions threaten her. Beside the growing love between Anthea and Mark is the earthier love of Cäit for hot-headed Rory, the blacksmith's son. The village of Gortmore is once again suddenly put in danger of destruction. Can it be saved? This fast-paced novel weaves a rich tapestry of life in two villages, of loves, anger, revenge and brings the reader to a breath-taking climax. "The English think Ireland is a country full of bogs, inhabited by wild Irish Papists, who are kept in awe by mercenary troops sent from thence: and their (the English) general opinion is, that it were better if this whole island were sunk into the sea; for they have a tradition, that every forty years there must be a rebellion in Ireland." - Jonathan Swift, letter to the Lord Chancellor Middleton.