
Cake is a surreal comedy that explores both the extraordinary upside and the dark downside of motherhood in a new fusion of writing, performance and object animation. This is the world where you have only vague memoried of who you were before you became 'Mum'. In which nothing gets completed and even the interruptions are interrupted. When a tiny moment contains the most intense love you have ever felt, as well as the urge to commit the kind of violence that would put you away for life. So, in pursuit of that mythical cocoon of happiness in which we all want to wrap our children, today we are going to make a cake... Cake opened at the Birmingham Rep in September 2003, before embarking on a national tour with a London premiere at the Battersea Arts Centre on 19 November. Grace - a fast moving comedy for one woman and two men in cupboards - looks at the world of a woman turning thirty, written before Ally McBeal or Bridget Jones hit the scene. It opened at the Red Lion, London before appearing in the Edinburgh Fringe.

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