Granular Geomechanics

Granular Geomechanics provides a comprehensive exploration of soils as granular materials and the manner in which a soil's engineering properties form grain-scale mechanics. The book focuses on granular composition and packing, grain interactions, discrete granular modeling and continuum constitutive modeling.

  • Provides a coherent presentation on granular geomechanics for engineers
  • Presents essential background information in each chapter, along with a list of works for further study
  • Uses tensor notation, also including a brief explanation of conventions and operations in the book's appendix

Matthew R Kuhn is a Professor of Civil Engineering. He obtained a PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley in 1987. He has worked as an Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Portland from1987 to 1993 then as an Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering from 1993 to 2005 and has worked since 2005 as a Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Portland. His research interests are Geotechnical Engineering, with emphasis in granular mechanics, constitutive modeling and material instabilities.