Grid-Based Problem Solving Environments

This volume presents the proceedings of the IFIP TC2 WG 2.5 Conference on Grid-Based Problem Solving Environments: Implications for Development and Deployment of Numerical Software, held in Prescott, Arizona from July 17-21, 2006. Grid-Based Problem Solving Environments will be of particular interest to users of both grid-based and traditional problem solving environments, developers of both grid-based and traditional problem solving environments, developers of grid infrastructure, and developers of numerical software. Among other topics, Grid-Based Problem Solving Environments explores the following: - accuracy contracts and software services - standards for problem specification - service models for the use of numerical software - using the grid to link numerical and other services together - experiences with web-based numerical services - application-oriented numerical interfaces such as web portals - software deployment issues including updates and bug fixes - large data (including data security) and grid-based numerical software - grid-based services as an alternative to deployment - evaluation and comparison of both production and research software

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