H.O.M.E is where L.O.V.E. brightly speaks

Many of our young children grow up in a global environment that feels boundary-less, and makes it hard to pinpoint where exactly "home" is, as compared to a time long gone when it was far more common to find the "house" we live in to be synonymous with being "home". Through symbolic story-telling, colours, tools and rhymes, HOME Is Where LOVE Brightly Speaks communicates to the young child in a way that an ordinary conversation cannot. This book is one part of a project series - Lovingspace - developed by catalysts of change to especially support families that travel around the global to live and work.

Weitere Produkte vom selben Autor

The Adventure of Friendship Lim, Adele M

14,10 €*
Many Lands, One Bridge Lim, Adele M

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Love with Passion and Perspective Lim, Adele M

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