Hacking Electronics

Bring your electronic inventions to life!",This full-color book is impressive...there are some really fun projects!", -GeekDad, Wired.comWho needs an electrical engineering degree? This intuitive guide shows how to wire, disassemble, tweak, and re-purpose everyday devices quickly and easily. Packed with full-color illustrations, photos, and diagrams, Hacking Electronics teaches by doing--each topic features fun, easy-to-follow projects. Discover how to hack sensors,accelerometers, remote controllers, ultrasonic rangefinders, motors, stereo equipment, microphones, and FM transmitters. The final chapter contains useful information on getting the most out of cheap or free bench and software tools.Safely solder, join wires, and connect switchesIdentify components and read schematic diagramsUnderstand the how and why of electronics theoryWork with transistors, LEDs, and laser diode modulesPower your devices with a/c supplies, batteries, or solar panelsGet up and running on Arduino boards and pre-made modulesUse sensors to detect everything from noxious gas to accelerationBuild and modify audio amps, microphones, and transmittersFix gadgets and scavenge useful parts from dead equipment

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