Half Egyptian Standing

Limited Edition Novel of this version in particular. From the outspoken and brilliant start until the end of this inspired true story, the author allows us the readers to enjoy the read as we enter a new World. A whole new dimension with real life CHARACTERS and personalities that capture the heart of each reader from the very first chapter, when all of the chaos begins, in EGYPT. For the reader(s) of each book to truly appreciate, and understand part of the entire MN80M. Story. He said, she said, is exactly what happens in this version/ book, (Part 1 - 2nd Edition) and a super-fantasy combined with reality, as eighty (80%) percent of this book is inspired from a true story. Hence, a reason the words of each character (to the Author) was/is more important for the first book to be written in exactly this way, and/or form. Full of excitement, passion adventure, love, envy, fear, betrayal, success, possible murder, mystery, fantasy, super fantasy and much more, as sad, and as joyful as some of these events may be to some, this is inspired from a true story, and a part of the History of Mankind now, the History of you, and I, especially with MN80M. THE AMAZING ONE / MALE and all the main MN80M characters still alive, these are the moments of their lives.