Handbook of Military Psychology

This expert compendium surveys the current state of military psychology across the branches of service at the clinical, research, consulting, and organizational levels. Its practical focus examines psychological adjustment pre- and post-deployment, commonly-encountered conditions (e.g., substance abuse), and the promotion of well-being, sleep, mindfulness, and resilience training. Coverage pays particular attention to uses of psychology in selection and assessment of service personnel in specialized positions, and training concerns for clinicians and students choosing to work with the military community. Chapters also address topics of particular salience to a socially conscious military, including PTSD, sexual harassment and assault, women's and LGBT issues, suicide prevention, and professional ethics.

 Among the specific chapters topics covered:

 ·         Military deployment psychology: psychologists in the forward environment.

·         Stress and resilience in married military couples.

·         Assessment and selection of high-risk operational personnel: processes,

procedures, and underlying theoretical constructs.

·         Understanding and addressing sexual harassment and sexual assault in the US   


·         Virtual reality applications for the assessment and treatment of PTSD.

·         Plus international perspectives on military psychology from China, Australia, India, and more.


Grounding its readers in up-to-date research and practice, Military Psychology will assist health psychologists, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, and clinical social workers in understanding and providing treatment for military populations, veterans, and their families, as well as military psychologists in leadership and consulting positions.


COL Stephen Bowles, USA, Ph.D., is in the United States Army and is currently serving as an associate professor of behavioral science at the National Defense University in The Eisenhower School and as an adjunct faculty at the Uniformed Services University. He also works in the Integrative Health Services at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. He has been awarded the Army Surgeon General 'A' proficiency designator for his contributions as a health care professional in the military. He is a fellow in the American Psychological Association and the American Academy of Clinical Health Psychology. He is board certified by the American Board of Professional Psychology in clinical health psychology. He is a currently serving as the chair of the Psychological Healthy Workplace for the District of Columbia Psychology Association. His recent publication and presentations are in the areas of leadership well-being, couples resilience and well-being, family fitness, and organizational fitness. Paul T. Bartone, COL (Ret), USA, Ph.D., is a senior research fellow on the Center for Technology and National Security Policy at the National Defense University (NDU). A Fulbright Scholar, Bartone has taught leadership at the Industrial College of the Armed Forces (ICAF) at NDU and at the U.S. Military Academy, West Point, where he also served as director of the Leader Development Research Center. Bartone was the senior research psychologist in the U.S. Army and has served as consultant to the surgeon general for research psychology and as the assistant corps chief for medical allied sciences. He is also past president of the American Psychological Association's Division 19, Society for Military Psychology. He earned his Ph.D. in psychology and human development from the University of Chicago.

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