Hannah Whitall Smith Treasury - The God of All Comfort & The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life

Complete normal font size editions of The God of All Comfort and The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life by Hannah Whitall Smith. These books are as great a benefit to us today as they were over 100 years ago. The Christian's Secret is the early 1885 edition, and has the rarely included 19th chapter, "The Baptism of The Holy Ghost." "Can you not remember, some of you, the shout of triumph your souls gave when you first became acquainted with the Lord Jesus, and had a glimpse of His mighty saving power? How sure you were of victory then! How easy it seemed, to be more than conquerors, through Him that loved you." The God of All Comfort helps the reader focus on the futility of finding comfort outside of God. "While we are looking at ourselves, we simply cannot "behold God." It is not that He hides Himself; He is always there in full view of all who look unto Him; but if we are looking in another direction, we cannot expect to see Him." All students of thought should get this historic book. This edition is provided in a slim volume with full text at an affordable price.