Healing of wounds is a classical example of combination of regeneration and repair. This is accomplished in one of the following two ways. This is defined as healing of a wound, which has the following characteristics. Clean & uninfected. Surgically incised. Without much loss of cells & tissue. Edges of wound that are approximated by surgical sutures.Oral hygiene is a major importance for one¿s day life. Oral hygiene should not be neglected, if it is neglected it will cause problems in future. Oral infections are one of the most recurring and common problems for all the people in the world (Swetha, Priya and Gayathri, 2018) Periodontal diseases that have evolved over the years and have transformed from periodontitis being considered an almost ubiquitous condition (Ramamurthy and Mg, 2018). Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disease which results in the destruction of supporting structures of the teeth.

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