Herbal Remedies, Dietary Supplements, and Their Impact on Emergency Care

Herbal remedies and dietary supplements are becoming increasingly popular. In the United States, over $5 billion is spent on these over-the-counter remedies every year. While most are benign and pose very little harm to people who take them, there are a few remedies and supplements that have adverse or side effects that could cause problems. Herbal Remedies, Dietary Supplements, and Their Impact on Emergency Care is oriented toward healthcare providers whose patients may be using one or more remedies and supplements. The information covers commonly used remedies and supplements, including vitamins, providing information about their actions, uses, common doses, adverse effects, drug interactions, and key information needed while caring for the patient during an emergency. For example, garlic, ginkgo, and others can prolong bleeding, thus it is important to know that control of bleeding may be more difficult in an injured patient. The intent of the book is to provide a quick reference guide that can be carried in a pocket or jump kit providing immediate information to emergency care personnel. It is an essential guide for emergency department physicians and nurses as well as emergency medical services (EMS) paramedics and EMTs. Although it is oriented toward emergency care providers, this guide is helpful for anyone considering using these remedies and supplements. Information is provided in bullet format for ease of locating critical information without having to read through paragraphs of text.